Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Storm on the Island

Key Themes:

- Natural Power
- Fear and Isolation
- People's relationship with nature

Key Techniques:

- Blank Verse (no rhyme)
- Enjambment (lines run over)
- Caesura (A delibarate break/pause in the line - semi colon or colon)
- Assonance - the repetition of a vowel sound - eg. roof, good
- Oxi moron
- Metaphors and Similes

Lines 1-5

- First line - ''we'' is repeated, letting the audience know he is not alone, set the tone as secure - comforting
- They prepare themselves for the storm by building strong, stable houses - squat, thick rock walls, rooves made with good slate - shows that they are prepared and able to withstand the storm.
- On line 1 there is an example of caesura, to make you pause.
- In line two, there is an example of assonance - ''roof'' and ''good''  - the repetition of a vowel sound.
- At the end of lines 1 and 2 there are end stops or breaks - they are commas or full stops. The rest of the verse uses enjambement - it flows. This is because the fist two lines of the poem are about how they have prepared for the storm; however, the rest of the poem is about the storm itself and its' effects.
- The poem only has one stanza - to give the impression that the storm is never ending , it's continuous. 
- In line 3, the word 'wizand' can mean old, shrivelled or wise/experianced - positive thing - they don't have to do anything with it as nothing grows on it ''the earth has never troubled us''

Lines 6 - 10

- There is an example of enjambement in lines 6 - 10, particularly effective use of enjambent is when caesura is used on line 7 - the line begins ''Blast:'' (caesura also used) - it is unexpected/sudden - like lightening or thunder for example.
- Line 7 - conversational tone - "you know what I mean" - addresses the reader/draws the reader in - to make the reader feel the same way - share, for reassurance. Seamus Heaney feels isolated/alone - he talks about the lack of trees etc, he is asking the reader for reassurance.
- Line 8 - ''Chorus''  - repeated - the storm keeps coming back.
- Line 10 - the wind is personified - "it pummels your house" - quite violent vocabulary used.
Lines 11 - 19

- Line 11 - ''No trees, no shelter'' - in list form to emphasis how alone he is - the repetion of the word ''No''
-  Lines 12 and 13, the sea is personified - ''the sea is company'' - the sound of it is reassuring to him. 
- "Exploding comfortably" - oxi-moron, comfortably could be used because the sea is a comfprtable distance away - he can hear it but it is not damaging towards him or the island.
- Line 15 ''Spits like a tame cat turned savage'' - simile - using emotion/aggression - creates imagery.
- Also, ''spits'' - use of onamaopoeia.
- Lines 17-18 - Language related to artillary/war - ''bombarded,'' ''strafes'' etc.
- Line 19 - ''Huge nothing that we fear'' - oxi moron. Also, the idea that you can't see the storm yet you still fear it.

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